When someone visits the doctor, they typically assume that any treatment the doctor recommends has been thoroughly tested to ensure that it is safe and effective for human patients. Sadly, this isn’t the case when it comes to hernia mesh, and the devices are failing, causing serious complications.
A hernia is a medical condition where an organ protrudes through a muscular wall that is supposed to contain it. Typically, a hernia requires surgery to push the organ back behind the muscle wall. Then, the mesh is used to reinforce the muscular wall to prevent the hernia from returning.
Unfortunately, hernia mesh has significant complications, leading to many hernia mesh lawsuits against the manufacturers.
Recently, an article in the United Kingdom showed that patients visiting doctors and surgeons for hernia repairs were exposed too many types of hernia mesh. While some of these mesh types are effective, few of the more than 100 types of surgical mesh have been clinically tested and shown to be effective.
The result is the disasters that have already unfolded in numerous patients. The complications of poor hernia mesh implants can be catastrophic.
Evidence has shown that certain types of mesh aren’t only ineffective but downright dangerous for use. Some types of mesh end up cutting into nerves, blood vessels, and soft tissue. This can leave someone unable to run, walk, or engage in the activities they previously enjoyed.
In some cases, hernia mesh can even leave women unable to bear children. Something needs to be done to help alleviate the tremendous amount of stress caused by the hernia mesh.
Hernia mesh devices can be approved if they are similar to other products manufactured in the past. This means some forms of hernia mesh reach the open market without ever being tested in a clinical trial. They might never have been placed in a human body before being used in patients for the first time.

For this reason, there is still a tremendous amount of secrecy surrounding hernia mesh and how it is approved. Some experts have indicated that some hernia meshes that reach the open market are only tested on animals for a short time.
One example is placing hernia mesh in rabbits, leaving it in for a few days, and then looking at the rabbits to see if they are okay. This raises several red flags. First, rabbits are not people, and their bodies are fundamentally different. The idea that rabbits are similar to people is a big stretch.
Second, hernia mesh isn’t left in patients for a few days. Typically, it stays in place for life. Therefore, like rabbits, patients in trials must be followed for much longer before any results can be drawn.
Now that problems are arising, hernia mesh lawsuits and some recalls are being issued. Regulatory agencies are starting to crack down on using untested hernia mesh.
Sadly, it might be too late for many people who have already undergone procedures to have this dangerous mesh implanted. While there are cases where the hernia mesh can be removed, this requires returning to the operating room a second time. Then, the mesh needs to be replaced with a different option.
Some of the complications, particularly those involving nerves, are permanent. Fortunately, medical and legal professionals are always willing to lend these patients a helping hand.
More than 30,000 hernia mesh lawsuits have been filed by patients in courts throughout the United States.